Gala tickets now available

Gala tickets now available

Join us as we celebrate our 10 year anniversary!

The current system is failing our Veterans.
It’s time for a new approach.


Our mission at Heroes and Horses is to un-program the programmed. To offer combat veterans an alternative solution for defining and approaching their physical and mental scars—a solution that does not include prescription medications, or traditional psychotherapy, but rather the opportunity to use tools to redefine their purpose, rediscover their inner strength, and maximize their potential by taking ownership of their lives for the first time since leaving service.

A whole-person



This short film captures the aspects of the Heroes and Horses 41-day program. These are the tools and modalities contained in our process. When individuals move beyond experience and identification, and realize they are living their own creation, experiences become the vehicles that lead them to their truth.

Heroes and Horses provides a 360-degree model of experiences necessary to create the environment for this shift to happen. Today, solutions are failing and that is an undeniable fact. We need to rethink human development to focus on the total human, redefine success, and reject perpetual institutional failures. This is a short film of one class as they begin the Hero’s journey and meet their first tests along the way. We invite you to help us shift the narrative, start an honest conversation, and cultivate a community so we can create the kind of change the world needs.